My RAGBRAI Team LIVESTRONG Fundraising Page

Monday, July 29, 2013


Day 5 2013

Today I was riding for my Dad and brother Chuck, both of whom have survived prostate cancer.  And thinking of my brother Jim, who has a history of high PSA counts, but hasn't had any issues.  Keep getting checked, bro!  (Also, this Loving the Bike jersey (and shorts) were designed by yours truly.)
No, Iowa is not flat.
Memorial to the fallen in Pella, IA.

Pella is a Dutch community with, of course, a tulip festival each year.  This windmill is new (circa 2002), but based on a 1850 design and built using traditional methods.  A beautiful building, inside and out.


Lunch in the Bussey fire house.  Proceeds will go to help the FD purchase a jaws of life, a common tool for urban departments, but an expensive "luxury" for rural departments.  They were doing a steady business.

A drink at Wilson's after lunch with Tim, John and Mary Lee. Great time.  We headed over to the picnic tables and met up with Jim & Linda and Chris.  We rode together, for the most part, the rest of the day.  We arrived in Beacon and connected with even more teammates at the beer garden, where we enjoyed a couple more beers before heading to camp.

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