My RAGBRAI Team LIVESTRONG Fundraising Page

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Today is World Cancer Day. And the day after I learned my brother Jim was recently diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer.

Once again I'm registered to ride RAGBRAI (the weeklong bike ride across Iowa) this July with Team LIVESTRONG.  Riding with this group us an amazing experience. I'm honored to be a part of this team.  The LIVESTRONG Foundation provides support for cancer patients and their support team (family, friends, and professional care takers). To do its work, the Foundation relies on the support of donors ... like you. 

In the past, I've ridden RAGBRAI in memory of my sister, Julie, who was taken from us in 1982 when she was only 21. 
This year, I will again be riding in her memory. 

And in honor of my brother Jim. Jim is one of the nicest, most genuine, and incredible people I know. A Renaissance Man. Artist, Artisan. Iron worker, Computer programmer. Thinker, Doer. And, at age 57, cancer fighter.  


At the top of my blog page, there's a LIVESTRONG Foundation logo that is linked to my fundraising page. Please follow that link and donate to the Foundation. In Jim's honor. Or the honor or memory of a loved one. 

As for me, I plan on pedaling 418 miles across Iowa in July. Thinking of Julie. And Jim. Sharing their stories. And raising awareness of all that LIVESTRONG does. And donating as well. Until then, I'll be training. And fundraising.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Out With the Old, In with the New

Until September, it was,I thought, a pretty good year on the bike. I rode a number of events,including RAGBRAI, the UPAF Ride for the Arts, and the Wisconsin Triple Crown series. Since mid-Sept, I haven't been on the bike. (Long story, not for here.) At least until the new year. I've been on the trainer three of the first four days of 2014. And I can feel the layoff in my legs and lungs. 

By far, the most challenging thing I did was the Triple Crown. Ever. The three rides, in Arcadia, Viroqua and Dodgeville were seriously hilly. The first two had some really steep climbs (that I had to walk up!). But I completed the three rides and earned my jersey. I was REALLY looking forward to riding it again in 2014. I wanted to make it up those hills. And ride longer distances. Then, on 12/30, I got an e-mail from the organizers that they are discontinuing the series and not running two of the events (Arcadia Brute and Kickapoo Kicker [Viroqua]). My guess is there is some personal/family issues with the one group of organizers. The Dairyland Dare (Dodgeville) ride is still a go. And I'm going for it!  

Looking ahead to 2014, I am looking at some of the same rides: Minnesota Ironman Ride (late Apr), Ride for the Arts (early June) and Dairyland Dare (mid Aug). The big question mark is RAGBRAI. It's a week long ride in late July. That's a long time to be away from home. And it's right around the time of the audit at work. (Since I'm the business official of a public school district in WI, so it's kind if a big deal.) I'll have to see how things shake out. I do love it. But I hate being gone that long. 

Whether or not I ride RAGBRAI, I plan to still fundraise for the LIVESTRONG Foundation as part of the team. (If you want to get in ahead of the crowd, here's my fundraising page if you want to make a donation:

So, for 2014, I'm going to ride as many events as I can. I hope to ride 3000 miles (including trainer) and be on my bike 250+ days this year. I'm also going to try (again) to be more diligent about updating this blog. Perhaps expand the scope of the blog to beyond just my riding adventures: updates on pro cycling, including women's cycling; commuting information (even though I don't bike commute any more); cycling safety; and other miscellaneous stuff. 

What are your plans for the coming year?

As always, your feedback is welcome and encouraged!