So, on Sunday the 18th, I took off for a ride in the afternoon. I was planning on being gone between 2-1/2 to 3 hours. It was a great ride. I ride through Madison all the way to Fitchburg before turning west to County M. From there I head north to go home, via the bike path along Hwy 12 and then east on Hwy 19.
After 42 miles, I was back and about to turn right back into my neighborhood. Almost home. Ready to enjoy a cold beer as my reward.
An innocent looking intersection |
Hidden in the open - dirt, sand, gravel in my path. |
I came to a stop on my back. I was yelling. Ok, maybe screaming. I remember that I was yelling but hadn't taken inventory of how I felt. The first thing I noticed (besides the pain) was that my right foot was still clipped in. And I couldn't get it free of the pedal.
I heard some voices asking what hurt, how they could help, could they call anyone, where did I live, etc. My eyes were closed. I asked them to take my right shoe off. They then moved the bike. I had some road rash, I knew that. My shoulder hurt the most. My legs were ok. My head fine.
Slowly I get my wits about me. Two of the women who stopped to help then walked with me back to the house. (The third was driving and went on her way.) I wish I remembered their names! THANK YOU!
I got home (it was about 5:30) and told Carol what had happened. Then went up to shower. (And yes, I did grab that cold beer. But it wasn't as enjoyable as I was hoping it would be.) Taking off the jersey hurt like hell. But I was able to shower.
Road rash visible. Other injuries not so. |
My daughter was at volleyball camp until 6:30. We decided that we'd go to the ER after we picked up Olivia. My range of motion was limited. After x-rays, I was given a pain killer and a sling. No breaks. Just a sprained shoulder. *WHEW!* And we went home, getting there at about 9:00.
At about midnight, the hospital called. It was the radiologist. They had re-examined my pics and identified two cracked ribs. That explains the pain whenever I took a deep breath.
So today, I am at home. Resting. Recovering. Not sure when I can get back in the saddle. Next week, hopefully. At least for bikecommuting. Next long road ride? We'll have to see.
Either way, I'll need a new helmet. I didn't think I hit my head, but the helmet has multiple cracks in it. I must've banged my head after I landed on my shoulder. Looking at the damage, I wonder how the cranium would've withstood the impact.
Cracked |
Lesson confirmed: WEAR YOUR HELMET!
The bike itself - my good road bike - came through it relatively unscathed. I have to adjsut the brake lever. Since I landed on the left side, the deraileurs were saved. There were but a few new scratches. So that's a win. (How's that for finding a silver lining for that grey cloud?)